Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown

Dear Clients
We have been closely monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic progression worldwide and the response, including that of our government. We are supportive of the measures taken to protect New Zealanders. In response our office at Ferry Road is now closed until further notice.
However, please be assured that we are alert to the consequences of the pandemic and the consequences of the closedown on our clients.  We are now working remotely and your adviser and the support team can be contacted as follows:

Kevin Seque, mobile 021 240 4540, or email

Brian Seque, mobile 021 227 6035, or email

Grace Downs, mobile 027 652 4334, or email

Jack Radford, mobile 021 627 049, or email

Sharon Empson, redirect from 03 365 4460, or email

Do not hesitate to be in touch with us.
Kind regards and stay safe
from the team at KSL Insurance