Trauma Insurance offers a lump sum payment in the event of the insured person surviving 14 days after medical diagnosis following accident or illness, and suffering one of the extensive list of defined ailments specified under the contract. Benefits range from 10%, 20% or 100% of the sum insured. Claims for cancer, heart conditions and strokes make up 95% of all Trauma claims.

The trauma insurance plan is designed to:

  • provide cash to fund short-term income loss.
  • fund expensive unfunded medical services.
  • maintain the financial stability of the family during a trauma crisis.
  • allow the disabled partner to focus on recovery without financial stress.

Continuous Trauma 

Continuous trauma benefit offers the policyholder continuous ongoing cover for all benefits, other than a claimed benefit.

  • After 3 years, the policy will reinstate the original claimed condition. The trauma recovery policy with continuous trauma can pay up to three claims over the lifetime of the policy.
  • The industry standard trauma contract provides a reinstatement option. Once a claim is paid the policy is cancelled and provides no further cover. If the policy offers a reinstatement option after 13 months for a 60 day period you can apply to reinstate the policy without any underwriting evidence, but the ‘claimed’ condition will never be insured again.

Kid’s Trauma

Kid’s Trauma cover is also available, offering a similar cover for a nominal premium up until age 21. This policy will remove any financial stress in the event of one of your children suffering a nominated trauma event covered by the Kid’s Trauma contract.