
Eight Thousand Short!

Just when we think we’re running out of content for a newsletter NIB and the media helps me out and comes up with an article we can share.
8,000 is the number of nurses, doctors, and other health professionals the public health system is short of with another 1,600 needed in the next 12 months.

It’s the unfixable problem and it’s what causes lengthy wait lists. The number of people waiting for surgery is only getting bigger – and it gets bigger by the day.

Option To Close The Medical Funding Gap

Your Quality of Life
We would like to share with you some recent information that we have received from NIB, one of the leading medical insurers in New Zealand. 

Our view is that medical insurance is one of the most important, if not the most important, risk management tools that we all have. 

We all know that ‘without health, there is no wealth’.

Contact Sharon, Brian or Kevin to discuss these very important issues.

Creating A ‘Certain Future’

How long are we going to let the public health system fail us for?
Are you tired of the headlines: 
    “Surgery cancelled”
    “Lifesaving drugs unavailable.”
    “Life or death surgery wait”
    “More Doctors and Anesthetists resign”


There have been quite few articles that have hit the headlines recently showing just how under resourced our public hospitals are across the country (refer below).

Private health insurance was always thought of as a ‘nice to have’, but not necessary, as kiwis had access to our public health system. 
No longer is this the case, and it’s going to take years (from a comment in one of the articles) before this situation is fixed.

Health insurance is now a ’must have’ by-passing waiting lists, not just for surgery but for getting quick access to a specialist when diagnostics are needed. TALK TO KSL NOW!

Private Medical Insurance

Whether you are young or old if you want to preserve your quality of life, sadly, you must now own Private Medical Insurance

The Public Health System is in tatters.
People are being deleted from waiting lists
‘New’ prioritisation criteria are being created all the time to reduce waiting lists
Transported into hospital by ambulance is the only certain way of receiving treatment
4-6 hour waits in crowded emergency rooms are now commonplace

Your and my tax money has been squandered by successive Governments through incompetent politicians and bloated bureaucracies. The combined failures are too numerous to mention. The outcome – this newsletter.

Financial Uncertainty Ahead

We are living through a period of high inflation and global financial uncertainty at a level that most clients have never experienced before

The aftermath of the medical crisis of 2020-2021 caused through Covid, medical personnel layoffs, lack of frequency of screenings and procedures not being regularly undertaken, increased suicides and drug overdoses and vaccine adverse events have all contributed to the abnormal increase globally in the All Cause Mortality tables; the primary driver of premium ratings within the life and health insurance industry.

Introducing Sharon Empson

The management and directors of KSL Insurance and the Maurice Trapp Group Limited are delighted  to announce the appointment of Sharon Empson as our new insurance adviser, based in our Christchurch office.

Coping in Challenging Times

As we work our way through the consequences of Covid and being confronted daily with the turmoil in global politics, it is important to take some time to consider what is the most important matter you have to deal with.

That is you (including your family)

The beginning of 2022

Dear Clients

At this time each year we all face with the great rush before Christmas – finishing off projects, completing tasks, making sure we meet all the commitments we have made.
On top of that is the challenge of getting through Christmas, and for many going on holiday.
We all leave behind a year that has been filled with uncertainties; a very uncomfortable time for many.
So what to think about for 2022?